On the road I - Béchateur, Tunisia - 07.2012

I had already been to Béchateur once before we took this trip, but I didn't really get the chance to explore even a little, so I decided I'd ask some friends and my cousins to come along with me :)

Long story short : This was supposed to be just an afternoon trip to the beach, but  it ended in survival night haha!
We left quite late, around 4pm, and it took us HOURS to get there even though it should have taken about an hour and half, max two. The main road to the beach was closed, it was rush hour in Bizerte, and one of the guys had a little accident. We finally got there at sundown, by nearly 8pm.
We parked the cars at the top of the cliffs and slowly started getting everything we had brought with us down to the beach; for that we had two possibilities :
- the most courageous went down the cliff by jumping 2 meters down on the dune that connected the beach to the cliff,
- the others had to walk a few minutes to use the natural stairs that had formed on the side of the cliff.
The reason I say this ended in a survival night is because we had very little food, and to drink, and also because there was no way we could drive back home since I just had gotten my drivers license a few days before and the roads where tiny and dark (no light except for the moon). Good thing my mom had filled the trunk of the car with blankets and towels, at least we had something to keep us warm.
We also found lots of wood where we had parked, so the guys kept going up and down in nearly inexistent light so that we could make a biiiiiig campfire (that I managed to keep alive until the 9am).
Food and drinks were out by midnight, and lucky for us my cousin and his friend joined us not long after that with water, fresh corn (that we held over the fire to cook it a little), chips and other stuff. 
We spent hours laughing and dancing around the fire, we laid down by the shore, away from any light source, to watch the stars (it was the most amazing sky I had ever seen!!!!), and even though nothing really went as planned, it was an amazing night, full of joy and fun. 
We were carefree and nothing (except for the few lights we saw passing at the top of the cliff, and we thought were cop-cars) could have shattered that feeling of freedom ! 
Most of us slept by the fire, the others went back up to the cars. I didn't sleep at all that night, and I watched the sun go up. When the morning came, my cousin and a friend went fishing, and came back with a few little fishes :)
As soon as everyone was awake, we cleaned up our spot (we could have left it as it was, since the beach wasn't very clean, but I didn't want that), jumped back in the car, and left with a warm and sunny feeling of happiness and THE URGE TO SLEEP ASAP hahaha :p 
Anyways, I'll now let you enjoy the photos of the beautiful landscapes from that "survival night" :

Hmmm I think we're lost ..

Old (abandoned) bus stop ?

the landscapes got so beautiful and bright colored while the sun was going down
we also drove through a little forest 

more beautiful colored landscapes at sundown !
finaaaally getting closer to the sea ! 
Friends watching the sun go down on the edge of the cliff 
The sun is going up, and everyone is waking up

The guys went fishing and brought back these little guys (felt bad for them little fishies, but eh you gotta do what ya gotta do to survive)

 - if you're ever going to go camping somewhere in Tunisia, you should first check with the local authorities if it's okay,
- if the local authorities allow you to camp make sure you have all the necessary stuff to keep you safe and warm ! (it was a good thing we made a campfire that night, because in the morning we realized wild dogs came down to the beach because of the noise and the smell of food ; but the fire scared them away)
- and last but not least it's not because the beach is already dirty that you need to make it WORSE ! pleeeeease clean your spot after you leave, the earth will thank you :) 

Photo infos : 
  • all photos with the mention "neuroticladybug.blogspot.com by Lilia Ait Khalifa" were shot by me, the ones with only "neuroticladybug.blogspot.com" were shot by the people who took the trip with me.
  • these were shot with a Canon EOS 500D, a EF-S 18-55mm 1:3.5-5.6 IS lens and PENTACON auto 1.8/50mm (analog)lens.
  • all photos were edited by me.
  • the introduction photo was edited in LR4 using VSCO Film and finished in Exposure 6 (by Alien Skin).
  • all the photos were edited in CS6 using my own curves (they'll soon be available for purchase here) and basic adjustment layers.

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